Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trotting Foxes and Skating Dinos

McKye is a big Foxtrot fan. In one of the strips, the little boy with glasses is making fun of his sister by drawing little cartoons of her. McKye did the same here, but Mason was the target. The first says, "What really killed Superman." The kid is saying, "I showed him my Dragonology 2 Book."

The next one has aliens saying, "Ugh. If humans are this annoying, let's blow up the planet." The Mason figure is saying, "Dragons, blah, blah, dragons."

Click to supersize.

Below is McKye's first stab at candy confection. Willy Wonka, look out. Click to supersize.

A large reptilian creature on skates. Click to supersize.

1 comment:

laura said...

Phew, those exploders sound awesome! I loved the technical explanation.