Thursday, February 26, 2009

How To Rob a Bank

By McKye Carter

Kaboom! Breee! This guide shall inform you on how to steal money from the bank, blow up the bank, then get out of the country. Just follow the steps right and you will be fine.

So, without further ado, here is the steps:

1. Buy explosives. This is expensive, though.

2. Learn how to use them. This is useful.

3. When it's night, sneak over to the bank as quiet as a mouse camouflaged in all black.

4. Use a grenade to blow up the door.

5. Disable all alarms as you go in.

6. Use a bomb or a stick of TNT to blow open the vault door.

7. Steal as much money as you can, starting with the highest value dollar.

8. Get outta there! You don't want the cops to catch you like a rat in a trap!!!

9. Repeat steps 3-8 (step 1 if necessary).

10. When all the money is gone, place all the explosives in the very center of the bank. Then place a remote igniter.

11. Go outside and activate the igniter.

12. Get plastic surgery on your face.

13. Buy a one-way plane ticket to Tokyo. Stay there.

This guide is all elementary, my dear Watson.*

The End

*Don't you just love references? I do.

1 comment:

laura said...

Wow, impressive, McKye! You've got a master mind for criminal actions. :)