First we have plans for an amusement park ride. As you can see it can result in nausea. But in McKye's world that's a good thing. He often builds roller coasters on Theme Park Tycoon and goes for the highest nausea level he can. Click to supersize.

Here is some poor soul getting brained in a corn field. As you can see, the impact was enough to eject his tongue. McKye thinks this is very funny. Click to supersize.

The U.S. patent office is currently considering these plans for the Car of the Future. As you can see on top, the car's undercarriage will be equipped with positively charged magnets as will the roads the car will travel on. The two magnets will repel each other, thus making for an almost inertia-free environment. Below the magnetic road will travel another positively charged magnet which will propel the car.
And a drill on the front of the car for mining enthusiasts. The bottom picture is the last thing an unlucky pedestrian might see. Click to supersize.
Another Car of the Future. This one noted for its aerodynamic design. "Can you imagine it slicing through the air?" Alternative designs are presented below. Click to supersize.

Perhaps this guy has just ridden his motorized bike into the path of an oncoming Car of the Future. As you can see, an essential article of clothing has succumbed to the g-forces. Fortunately McKye has censored the results for the squeamish among us. Click to supersize.

A knight juggling while hand standing on a horse's back. We're not certain what the horse thinks of this. Click to supersize.

A particularly malevolent spotted cat gives this equestrian the evil eye. But his noble steed is unperturbed. Perhaps even stuffed. Click to supersize.

This man is tackling a pig. He believes the pig is Japanese. (A World War II political cartoon?)

A Gun of the Future. In order to find yourself staring down this thing's barrel, you'd need eleven eyes.

This Gun of the Future is equipped with a reflective chamber that accelerates the laser until is exits the barrel and melts walls.

Two people and a shrink ray. It was part of a story that McKye and Sheridan were outlining. But it didn't quite work out.

McKye's contribution to educational technology. The PalmEd.

I like the cat you drew McKye! He looks like he's thinking about something sneaky.
Wow McKye- What a great variety of pictures! Of Course the most tummy troubling one is the Amusement Park. It absolutely turned me upside down. I copied it to send to Michael and Daniel on their missions. They will love it! You obviously know all about amusement parks. Then I was very impressed with all of your scientific creativity and the engeniring skills you demonstrated in the Cars of the Future, the very HOT Motorcycle, the powerful Attack Plane, the Gun that melts walls, the Shrink Ray, the Palm Ed, and the easy way to transport Pokemons. This shows a lot of thinking about how things work and figuring out how to invent new ideas. Good work McKye. I thought you drew the horse very well with the cat on his back. They are hard to draw. And how about the guy who can even juggle while balancing on one hand? You drew that clearly so we could tell exactly what was going on- and that is tricky even with normal juggling. And I loved the very happy guy jumping on the very consternated pig. How fun. And my final favorite is the person working on his laptop who is thinking so much about writing and is even considering how to "Hook" his readers with his introduction. I love your visual approach to life McKye. You draw us into amazing adventures. Thanks for the exhibit.
-Grandma Carter
Wow, I love your horses, McKye! I need one as blithe as the one with the cat on its back.
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