McKye S. Carter
THIS IS FICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
McKye S. Carter
THIS IS FICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once upon a time in the year 1,000,000,000 B.C. or so. There was an asteroid that was floating in space all alone. He was searching for fellow asteroids to create a planet that could sustain life on it. As he floated through the deep cosmos he pondered the mysteries of the universe.
He thought, "Who am I? Where am I ? Where am I going? Did the chicken come first or the egg?How much IQ do I have?" And so on. But his most important question was, "What will I call my planet?"
As he was drifting through the cosmos he noticed that there was a force yanking at him. When he surveyed the many stars he noticed in some clusters there was a black circle in them blocking out everything else. Then our hero realized the awful, horrible truth! He was speeding straight into a field of abnormally close black holes! The measly asteroid was doomed!!!!

Suddenly, a cosmic idea struck his stony brain. If he took advantage of the gravitational field of the black holes, he could wind his way outta there! So he twisted, turned, flipped and spun! Eventually he was drifting away from the field and thus, away from danger. But he was very exhausted.

Eventually, when he spent enough time resting, he continued on into the galaxy. He saw many planets that were already made. Then he saw it. It was his dream. It was his desire. It was want he was made for. It was ... Asteroids creating a planet!!!
The molten misshapen ball of rock was very big. But not as big as a mammoth gas planet he saw a few days ago! According to the unwritten rules of asteroids (They were unwritten because writing wasn't invented yet.), any asteroid could join in with planet making.
The planet just needed a spherical shape and a core. It just so happened that our hero was the right size and shape for both jobs! So he mustered all his strength and speeded toward the planet at mach 100 at a temperature of 10,000 degreases Celsius!

Then, in just two minutes, he SMASHED into the planet and sank into the center were he became the core. Meanwhile, on the surface, he caused a massive tsunami of magma that went around the planet thrice and gave it a spherical shape.

Now, as our hero was the core, he had to name the planet. He called it ...
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I loved it.
That was awesome! was is all drawn across the tops of school papers? I noticed the blue lines.
I loved the asteroid's despairing face when he was speeding toward the black holes.
Yeah, those drawings are from his rough draft.
Yay for the asteroid! Yay for Earth! I loved the face where he is smiling and zooming forward. Good story.
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